7 American States Nobody Wants to Visit Anymore

In the ever-changing landscape of travel preferences, some destinations fall out of favor with tourists for various reasons. From economic downturns to natural disasters, certain states in America have experienced a decline in tourism. Here are seven states that are currently less popular among travelers.

1. West Virginia

Economic Challenges

West Virginia has faced significant economic challenges over the past few decades, particularly with the decline of the coal industry. This has resulted in reduced infrastructure investment and fewer attractions to draw tourists.

Lack of Major Attractions

Unlike its neighboring states, West Virginia lacks major tourist attractions. While it boasts beautiful natural scenery, it does not have the same level of developed tourist spots, which affects its appeal.

2. Mississippi

High Poverty Rates

Mississippi has one of the highest poverty rates in the country, which impacts its ability to invest in tourism infrastructure and services. This economic struggle makes it less attractive to visitors looking for a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Limited Tourism Promotion

Mississippi’s tourism promotion efforts have been limited compared to other states, resulting in less awareness and fewer visitors.

3. Alaska

Extreme Weather

Alaska’s harsh and extreme weather conditions can deter many potential visitors. The long, dark winters and the challenging accessibility make it less appealing for year-round tourism.

High Travel Costs

Traveling to and within Alaska can be expensive. The costs associated with flights, accommodation, and activities are often higher than in other states, which can dissuade budget-conscious travelers.

4. Kansas

Flat Landscape

Kansas is often perceived as having a monotonous, flat landscape, which doesn’t attract tourists looking for diverse natural scenery. This perception can overshadow the state’s historical and cultural offerings.

Tornado Risk

The risk of tornadoes in Kansas can also be a deterrent for tourists. The state’s location in Tornado Alley makes it a less appealing destination for those concerned about extreme weather events.

5. North Dakota

Harsh Winters

North Dakota’s long, harsh winters are a significant factor in its decline in tourism. The extreme cold and heavy snowfall can make travel difficult and less enjoyable for visitors.

Limited Urban Centers

With few large cities or urban centers, North Dakota lacks the bustling attractions and amenities that many tourists seek. The state’s rural nature means fewer entertainment and dining options.

6. Alabama

Negative Perceptions

Alabama has struggled with negative perceptions related to its history and social issues. These perceptions can deter tourists who might otherwise consider visiting the state’s natural and cultural attractions.

Limited Marketing

The state has not invested heavily in tourism marketing compared to other Southern states, resulting in lower visibility and fewer visitors.

7. New Mexico

Economic Hardships

New Mexico has faced economic hardships, leading to lower investment in tourism infrastructure. This affects the quality and availability of services for visitors.

Perceived Safety Concerns

Safety concerns, particularly in certain urban areas, have also contributed to New Mexico’s decline in tourism. Potential visitors may opt for destinations perceived as safer and more tourist-friendly.


While these states may be facing challenges in attracting tourists, each has unique qualities and potential for future growth. By addressing economic issues, investing in tourism infrastructure, and improving marketing efforts, these states can revive their appeal and draw visitors once again.


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